


Title:2009 pandemic H1N1and beyond


人:Wenjun Ma副教授


报告地点:成都校区7 1105




Wenjun Ma,美国Kansas state university副教授。2003年获得德国Justus-Liebig University博士学位,2004-2008年,在美国Iowa State University从事博士后研究,2003年至今,在美国Kansas state university从事病毒学研究。Wenjun Ma实验室目前主要从事动物病毒性疾病的研究,重点为流感病毒的分子致病、疫苗开发和诊断方法研究;实验室获得了NIH、美国农业部和行业协会的各项研究经费。Wenjun Ma是美国病毒学会会员和美国微生物学会会员,已发表高水平研究论文50余篇,如PNASPLoS PathogensmBioSci RepJournal of Virology,并多次受邀参加国际会议及学术交流,学术成果口头报告100余次。Wenjun MaVirology Journal杂志的Associate editorJournal ofVirologyEmerging Infectious DiseaseVirus GenesVirus ResearchArchives of VirologyVirologyPLoS One等杂志的特邀审稿专家。



[1] Ma W, Kahn R E, Richt J A. The pig as a mixing vessel for influenza viruses: human and veterinary implications[J]. Journal of molecular and genetic medicine: an international journal of biomedical research, 2009, 3(1): 158.

[2] Ma W, Vincent A L, Gramer M R, et al. Identification of H2N3 influenza A viruses from swine in the United States[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2007, 104(52): 20949-20954.

[3] Ma W, Lager K M, Vincent A L, et al. The role of swine in the generation of novel influenza viruses[J]. Zoonoses and public health, 2009, 56(67): 326-337.

[4] Ma W, Lager K M, Lekcharoensuk P, et al. Viral reassortment and transmission after co-infection of pigs with classical H1N1 and triple-reassortant H3N2 swine influenza viruses[J]. The Journal of general virology, 2010, 91(Pt 9): 2314.

[5] Ma W, Vincent A L, Lager K M, et al. Identification and characterization of a highly virulent triple reassortant H1N1 swine influenza virus in the United States[J]. Virus genes, 2010, 40(1): 28.

